Monday, September 29, 2008

Vernissage! and Mural!

Though months away, here in Montreal I will have a showing of my work on Saint-Laurent! yay!

With some of my fav artists!

Jerome Prieur
Patrick Leblanc
Robert Clifton

April 16,17,18,19

Four days only, vernissage will be on the friday (17th)
So book your tickets in advance!...that's if it weren't free of course. Which it so is!

Some more news in the land of do not. I've been hired to do a Mural for Homier Lighting's Exterior Lighting show room. in which a professional photographer is being hired to take photos for their Catalogue! I'm to start working on it this weekend, one day only to hit it and hit it hard.

Comic book is still on hiatus

'til next time True Believers!

Scotty Out

Friday, September 19, 2008

Update !!

So a few things:

BJWOOD 3 has been postponed to a date I'm not sure of

My comicbook's release is postponed aswell.

And i'm currently trying to move into a new studio...if i can find one. as this one is unmanageable!

But I promise a decent amount of new things shall be produced and for your feasting eyes in a few weeks to come, soon after my nasty return from calgary next week...*sigh*

until then, Stay Frosty!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

In studio, preparing for the true believers.

This week the first piece of promotional art for Scotty Dont's first comic.

What? you want a title? with the promo :P

Sunday, June 1, 2008

et voila !!

now for your feasting eyes.

the madeover

In the week to come

Makeover Time for!

*just working the kinks now*

Sunday, April 27, 2008


BJWOOD is gone and passed. Was a great turn out thanks to everybody!
I also designed the website for them too. Be sure to check them and all the other artists out at

Sorry that the comic did not make it's debut, things have been crazy at the office y'know!

But as promised here are the 2 new Scotty Dont Paintings!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Spring has Sprung !!

Allô tout le monde, Spring has Sprung in The land of Mistah*D!

My stay in montréal now paying off, upcoming in the next month I will be making my debut into the scene of montréal with:

-a not so typical graffiti Mural at Sauna G.I. Joe

-Attendance at the next BJ Wood art show held in the plateau. I will have a few brand new pieces on display there.
(More information BJ Wood 2 to come)

-also at BJ Wood 2 will be the premiere of my very first comic book!

Lots of exciting things coming in the next little while!
Stay Tuned!